This Petition calls upon the Peruvian Government, specifically the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Energy and Mines and the Minister of Culture to complete a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Marañón River basin, before hydroelectric developments in this basin can proceed any further.

Latest Signatures
128 Mr William G. New Zealand Friday October 02, 2020 @ 7:39 pm
127 Greg V. USA Friday September 29, 2017 @ 6:01 pm
126 Phillipe J. Peru Monday September 25, 2017 @ 12:55 am
125 Odalys S. Perú Tuesday August 22, 2017 @ 5:43 pm
124 Joel M. United States Monday May 29, 2017 @ 3:04 am

Why sign the Petition?

The Peruvian government has approved several hydroelectric dams and is currently assessing more projects which will consequently destroy the Marañón River; a primary source of the Amazon and home to indigenous peoples, endemic species and stunning, untouched canyons.

This is happening without a Strategic Environmental Assessment to look at the cumulative social or environmental impact of all the projects that are planned on this river, let alone a basin scale assessment to designate which Amazonian tributaries can be developed and which must remain free-flowing to maintain the health of the Amazon Basin below.

Stop rapid development of hydroelectric dams on the Maranon

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149 signatures

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No to Chadin II. Sign our petition!

Peru has recently elected a new government with a major focus on infrastructure and construction projects, consequently now is the time to apply national and international pressure . As a result of this we can ensure these projects do not gain approval without proper due process and scrutiny.

Sign this petition and support our campaigns to help protect the Marañón River.