The Marañón is globally important, therefore it is up to us all to protect it.

Donate through the Waterkeeper Alliance

Donating through the Waterkeeper Alliance secure donation platform is easy.

In step 2 you must indicate that your donation is for the Maranon Waterkeeper, as pictured here.
Select “Other” from the dropdown menu.
Then input “Maranon Waterkeeper

This will ensure your donation is designated to the Marañón Waterkeeper.

Donate Now!

Peruvian Donations will be processed through our Peruvian NGO Partner, the Peruvian Society for Environmental Law.


Para transferencia nacional sólo tienen que depositarlo a la cuenta de Conservamos por Naturaleza:
BCP Cuenta en Soles: 193-2093463-0-89
CCI: 002-193-002093463089-16
Tienes que mandar el voucher de depósito a

If you cannot make your donation through one of the options listed here, please contact us to make your donation.

Maranon Crescent-chest (Melanopareia maranonica) perched on a branch in Peru.

Maranon Crescent-chest (Melanopareia maranonica) perched on a branch in Peru.

With any donation over $50 you will become a member of the Marañón Waterkeeper.