Marañón Waterkeeper

Marañón Waterkeeper is the guardian, steward and voice of the Marañón river; A non-governmental organization whose mission is to protect and promote the Marañón River. We unite, educate and empower people to address the major issues that threaten this watershed.

We believe the communities and species that rely on the Marañón River have a right to exist. We believe the Amazon is essential to life on earth as we know it, and the source of this mighty river is a critical link in this interconnected ecosystem. The protection of the Marañón River is a global issue and to address we bring support from all corners of the globe.

Waterkeeper Alliance

Marañón Waterkeeper is a member of the WATERKEEPER® Alliancea global network of more than 275 Waterkeeper Organizations dedicated to protecting to rivers, lakes, bays, sounds and other water bodies around the globe through grassroots action. The vision of the Waterkeeper Movement is for swimmable, drinkable, fishable waterways worldwide. The guiding principle of Waterkeepers is that without water, there can be no life, and without clean water, there can be no healthy life.


Bruno Monteferri
Bruno MonteferriSupervising Director
Bruno is an environmental lawyer from Lima Peru, Director of Marañon Waterkeeper and Director of Conservamos por Naturaleza; an organisation which fosters lead conservation action. Bruno is Director of Maranon Waterkeeper, overseeing on behalf our parent NGO, SPDA (Peruvian Society of Environmental Law). Bruno has over 10 years experience fostering legal and citizen lead conservation actions in Peru.
Benjamin Webb
Benjamin WebbInternational Coordinator
Ben is a whitewater kayaker and environmental engineer from Australia, who learned about the threats the Maranon River faced in 2013. Since then he has worked on projects to protect this river. This included founding the Remando Juntos team, and producing the documentary film ‘La Serpiente de Oro’.

Remando Juntos por el Marañón

Remando Juntos is a community based outreach team that was formed in 2014 . The team continues to run a campaign to educate Peru and spread awareness about the importance of  Marañón River. Since formation the team has created photographic, video and print materials and regularly runs community outreach events. In 2015 the group traveled to remote riverside villages to deliver informative presentations and helped to create ‘The Serpent of Gold Documentary’.

Luis 'Camote' Herrera

Photographer and Videographer

Luigi Marmanillo Cateriano

Tour Guide and Activist

Ana Teresa Ruiz

Engineer &
Sustainable Land

Jorge Chávez Ortiz

Environmental Engineer
& Activist

Adriana Troncoso Gomez


Lizbeth Diaz Redolfo


Samuel Paucar
