News about the Marañón River and the Marañón Waterkeeper.

New National Coordinator for Remando Juntos Campaign

Marañón Waterkeeper is excited to announce the appointment of Diana Elizabeth Zanabria Sequiros to the position of National Coordinator for the Remando Juntos Campaign. Ms. Zanabria will coordinate Remando Juntos, a campaign focused at educating and creating pride in this emblematic river at a national level in Peru. She will act as point of contact for national [...]

By |August 11th, 2016|News, Press Releases|0 Comments

Op-ed: Don’t Dam The Grand Canyon of Peru

Written by Gary Wockner, Director at Waterkeeper Alliance. Original article Published 21 July by Canoe & Kayak Magazine. Of the twenty dam sites that have been identified on the Marañón over the last three decades, seven are serious proposals; four are in the permitting process with the Peruvian government. At least three hydroelectric corporations are proposing [...]

By |July 30th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Petition: Assess the full impact before approval!

This Petition calls upon the Peruvian Government, specifically the Minister of Environment, the Minister of Energy and Mines and the Minister of Culture to complete a Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Marañón River basin, before hydroelectric developments in this basin can proceed any further. Why sign the Petition? The Peruvian government has [...]

By |July 19th, 2016|News, Press Releases|0 Comments

Studying the Marñón: Shooting Rapids and Exploring the Amazon

In National Geographic, scientist and pro kayaker Natalie Kramer Anderson discusses her expedition down Peru’s Marañón River and what it means to be female in two male-dominated professions. Read the full article here. Natalie and the team from the Marañón Project are working with Marañón Waterkeer to create avenues to enable future study on the [...]

By |July 15th, 2016|News|0 Comments

What does it take to save a river?

The Marañón River is under threat from hydroelectric projects, International Coordinator of Marañón Waterkeeper shares some thoughts on what it takes to protect a wild river like this. What does it take to save a river? I think it’s simple. It takes people who care about it, moving and agitating and working towards its protection; [...]

By |June 19th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Small Steps – More than One Year Remando Juntos

Remando Juntos por el Marañón // Paddling Together for the Marañón In December 2014, the Remando Juntos team was created. In March 2015, the first post in the campaign went up. Since then we have been working to create awareness for the importance of  Marañón River in Peru. Through our grass-roots campaign we are connecting the [...]

By |June 7th, 2016|News|0 Comments

Public Audiences Manipulated, Social Conflicts Grow

While it remains debatable whether dozens of large dams being constructed on the Marañón River in Northern Peru will bring the development that is claimed, the evidence mounting to expose the corruption and conflict that surrounds these projects. As conflicts grow and injustices are exposed the major question that remains is "why are these projects still on [...]

By |May 27th, 2016|News|3 Comments

Launching Marañón Waterkeeper Website

Welcome to the world, Marañón Waterkeeper website! Over the coming months (and years) we will be building up this website to inform people about the health of and potential threats to the Marañón River. From this platform we will launch initiatives to counter these threats and create a community that care for the river. Right now, the platform [...]

By |May 24th, 2016|News|0 Comments