The Bountiful or the Dammed

Bruno Monteferri will do whatever it takes to put an end to the massive scheme to dam, and destroy, the magnificent Marañón River. By Lisa W. Foderaro. Originally published in Volume 15, Issue 2 of Waterkeeper Magazine; republished with permission from Waterkeeper Alliance. Photos by ©Tui Anandi, courtesy of Culture Trip; Jessica Halter and Walter [...]

By |January 19th, 2020|News|0 Comments

2018, and looking ahead!

2018 was huge year on the Marañón, here are some of the highlights and a look ahead to whats in store for 2019! Launch of Confluir   We launched short film Confluir at the beginning of 2018, with both English and Spanish language versions. Since then it has toured through more than a dozen different [...]

By |January 5th, 2019|News|0 Comments